Today, I am using this testimony page in a bit of a different way. Rather than writing the testimony after it happens and giving God the glory after he has released his blessings, I am going to write this in advance in faith that the blessing will come in God's time. The bible says in Proverbs18 v 20 -"The tongue has the power of life and death" therefore there is power in your tongue and in what you say so we should use it wisely and to show ourfaith in God. Also another lesson that had stuck me was that when Jonah was swallowed by the fish and he prayed to God he not only asked for help but also gave thanksgiving for his salvation before it actually happened.

So my story today is that a couple of months ago I was working 2 jobs and getting very tired indeed and worst of all hardly spending any time with my family at all. So my husband and I made a decision that I ould stopa nd he would get his business going to make enough money to make ends meet. We also recently decided that we will start making it a point to tithe without any excuse. So meanwhile I finished working in one job and am only working part time and Kingsley (my husnband that is) started travelling more often for business and has been away for 3 weeks now waiting for someone to pay him money that he owes him. This person has so far kept on postponing payment and it has now come to the day when we have to pay our rent and bills and the money we need has not yet been released.

My family and I have been praying and we have left this in God's hands as he's promised to make ends meet and not to leave us lacking if we are faithful and obey him by tithing and repentance for our wrongdoings. I am confident, with not the slightest doubt in my mind that God our Father in heaven who is always faithful will see to it that it will all turn out well and that this family will not lack, even for one day. And once all is said and done this family will give testimony after testimony about our Lord's great works in our life. 

So thank you Lord for all that you have already done in our lives, things things that we know of and the things that we don't know of and also for what you are about to do in our lives. We honour and we praise you in every possible way. There is nothing on this earth that I desire but you and I will praise your name for the rest of my days and forever more. In Jesus' name.
