My Testimonies 

Welcome to my page of testimonies. I added this page to my site because as a precticing christian, my life revolves around Jesus, God and the Bible. Now since this site is about my life and interests, certain things that I might say or do might confuse non-believers or even christians that take their christianity very lightly. Therefor I wanted this page to be a kind of explanation as to why I believe so strongly and why God is so important in my life and in every decision that I make. What's more it is written in the Bible that by giving testimony we overcome and I am ready to overcome. I would also like to add that if anyone reading this has a testimony that you would like to share you could e-mail me at and I will review and publish them on this site. So enjoy and God bless. 

There's only one way!

December 18, 2009

Why Testimony

November 23, 2009
Today, I am using this testimony page in a bit of a different way. Rather than writing the testimony after it happens and giving God the glory after he has released his blessings, I am going to write this in advance in faith that the blessing will come in God's time. The bible says in Proverbs18 v 20 -"The tongue has the power of life and death" therefore there is power in your tongue and in what you say so we should use it wisely and to show ourfaith in God. Also another lesson that had stuc...
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April 19, 2009
Having complete faith in Christ is not always easy. We say that we have faith and that we believe that God exists and that he watches over us. BUT would you put yourself voluntarily in the situation where you absolutely had to depend on God for your next meal? Would you give your last cash to charity to dying children and then leave it in God's hands to ensure that you have enough for your own life?  What if it happens out of no choice of your own and you found yourself in a situation where y...
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April 13, 2009
After over a year of constant recurrent infections and doctor's visits poking around in places that should be kept private, and test after test and treatment after treatment using any possible drugs in the form of creams, tablets, gels and anything else you could think of I had given up on getting rid of the damn infections. Doctors also seemed to have given up just saying that there are no other explanations for the infections and that there's nothing else that they could do. So being at my ...
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March 21, 2009
This is a testimony that I've given several times before now and that has been published in the chruch newsletter and read out in other churches and i'm going to share it here now.

For as long as I've known, i have always wanted children. The thought of having my own children would fill me with delight and excitement. So when I noticed at a young age that my menstrual cycles weren't normal or regular I was worried and went to see a doctor. I went from one doctor to the next and after a number ...
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